WPMAC Birthday Photo



We would like to combine the General meeting with our Sporty 40 day this Sunday like we have done in the past with our AGM.
We had a General Meeting scheduled for the evening of Tuesday 13th December that we would like to re-schedule to Sunday. We hope this doesn't impact or inconvenience too much, but this coming week is going to be hectic for some of us that cannot make the Tuesday meeting happen. 
So Sunday is going to be a big day . Sporty 40 Comp... Raffle...  Meeting.... Xmas BBQ...
Hopefully weather will be with us, and should be a good day.  http://www.bom.gov.au/places/vic/crib-point/forecast/detailed/#d2022-12-18

No Meeting Tuesday Night.

General Meeting is on Sunday 18th December, 1.00pm